You want to work with Virtual VetTechs but you are concerned about what the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) has to say. I reached out to CVO’s Practice Advisor to see what their thoughts were about Virtual VetTechs. Their response indicated that the main responsibilities for a Veterinarian would be in the following three areas.
References are at the bottom of the page.
- Delegation-Based on the definition of delegation as provided by the CVO Professional Practice Standard, Virtual VetTechs falls under Indirect Supervision. We will maintain an open line of communication during operating hours and a privately shared communication log with each client to ensure all client interactions are to your standard of care and are easily accessible.
Indirect Supervision: The member is not on the same premises as the auxiliary while the task is being performed but where the member communicates appropriately with the auxiliary before and after the auxiliary performs the task, and is accessible to the auxiliary in a timely and appropriate manner while the task is being performed.
- Telemedicine-Virtual VetTechs would fall under telehealth and would be delivering education to your clients as permitted or directed.
- Client privacy and confidentiality-Following a conversation with an agent at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), all information will be kept safe following their guidelines and recommendations. Also following their recommendations, a phrase would need to be added to your website informing your clients what role Virtual VetTechs has in your practice.
Click on the links below for more information
CVO Professional Practice Standard: Delegation – Published Nov 2015
CVO Professional Practice Standard: Telemedicine – Published May 2016, last revised September 2018
PIPEDA – Maintained by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada