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What Exactly is a Virtual VetTech?

By August 26, 2020May 8th, 2023No Comments

How many times have you seen this situation? You walk into your favourite clinic for an appointment and see 2 other people in the waiting room. The receptionist is on the phone and nods as you take a seat. After saying good-bye they disappear, notes in hand, to the back area. You wait patiently. The receptionist comes back and invites one of the other two clients into the back. Then the phone rings. They rush to the phone and start taking notes. Five minutes later, they hang up the phone and come over to you to check you and your fluffy buddy in. Meanwhile, you can hear the phone ringing again behind them.

With the current concerns over COVID, you may be waiting in a parking lot and trying to call and let the receptionist know you’ve arrived, but the situation and the waiting is much the same and, in some cases, busier.

Over the last few years, we’ve been hearing the term ‘virtual.’ It has appeared in every industry. Why? Because hiring remote, independent contractors, is saving businesses a lot of money! Virtual VetTechs are a type of virtual receptionists. We function much like traditional receptionists do. We answer phone calls, schedule appointments, handle client communications and set up the paperwork. The biggest difference between a virtual and a traditional receptionist is our location and employment status.

Virtual VetTechs are home-based, independent contractors. This allows us to be available full time to your clients, and yet, cost less than a full-time employee. Why? Because we are only charging for the time spent with your clients. You receive a weekly report detailing how the time was spent so you can keep up to date with how your clients are communicating.

Speaking of communicating, how can we answer calls remotely and still help clients effectively? Part of the onboarding process with Virtual VetTechs is setting up an internal communication system. Being remote can actually be an advantage when answering calls. We don’t get pulled off task to help elsewhere and no one is waiting for us to get off the phone so they can talk to us. This allows you (and your receptionist!) to relax and focus on the people in front of you knowing that Virtual VetTechs has got you covered.

According to a 2017 report by Forrester “Interested parties who initiate inbound calls tend to convert 30% faster, spend an average of 28% more, and keep a retention rate 28% higher than those who engage strictly through other channels.”

While we focus on providing excellent customer service over the phone, your on-site staff can focus on giving clients more of the attention they need to help them move through the clinic more efficiently.

Offering excellent customer service both in person and over the phone attracts clients to your clinic and improves retention. People want the connection that speaking to a real person gives them. Let Virtual VetTechs keep you connected to your patients and the humans that look after them.

For more information click here